RTC Archive

Himalayan Centre for Environmental Humanities      Transdisciplinary Research in Bhutan

RTC Kansai University 20190307

Through our established partnership with a range of international colleges/institutions, RTC signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Kansai University, Japan on short-term academic activities and exchange programme in November of 2017. The purpose of the programme is to develop academic cooperation and exchange of students and faculty among the two institutions.

Inaugural conference of the International Society for Bhutan Studies20190123

I am Deki Yangzom, a first-year student in B.A Anthropology at Royal Thimphu College. I was selected by International Society of Bhutan Studies to present my auto-ethnography paper on relationship between food and culture in Bhutan which I particularly focused on ‘Changes, Continuities and Changing Continuities in Bhutan’.

RTC Research and Culture Experience in USA 1

Under the research project titled Weaving Strands of Knowledge: Connecting Culture and Science to Climate Change, five BSc Environmental Management students travelled to rural Tsirang, Bhutan to collect stories about how change in climate is effecting the daily lives of people.