RTC presents at inaugural conference of the International Society for Bhutan Studies

Himalayan Centre for Environmental Humanities      Transdisciplinary Research in Bhutan

Inaugural conference of the International Society for Bhutan Studies20190123

I am Deki Yangzom, a first-year student in B.A Anthropology at Royal Thimphu College. I was selected by International Society of Bhutan Studies to present my auto-ethnography paper on relationship between food and culture in Bhutan which I particularly focused on ‘Changes, Continuities and Changing Continuities in Bhutan’.

I attended the first inaugural conference of International Society of Bhutan Studies from 8th to 10th January at Magdalen College, University of Oxford, UK.

Being the youngest presenter at the conference I had an exciting time projecting Inaugural conference of the International Society 20190123my thoughts. I was asked questions based on public interest. I made my presentation chaired by Kim Samuel, the president and chair of Samuel Centre for Social Connectedness. I experienced a very positive interaction with international scholar and moreover to have received wonderful comments which I am proud of.

I am delighted and honoured to have presented my auto-ethnographic paper. Hereafter, I would like to foresee Bhutanese students trying to participate and win such conferences which in turn broaden holistic vision on conservation of cultural and traditional trends.

I am not lucky to have gotten this opportunity but it was solely because of my hard work and dedication to make a change and to create a platform where we can project our thoughts and emotions into words and tell the world that we are one to preserve.

Inaugural conference of the International Society for Bhutan 20190123

-          Deki Yangzom, BA. Anthropology